Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are there any medications (creams, pills, etc.) to stop a person from sweating (or limit the amount)?

A very effective antiperspirant is Drysol, it is applied the night before and is very successful at preventing sweating for the next day, it should be used everyday at first then slowly start to lower the number of times it is used weekly, until eventually you will only have to use it once or twice a month.

Drysol is available at most pharmacies, possibly a prescription needed, but likely just over the counter.Are there any medications (creams, pills, etc.) to stop a person from sweating (or limit the amount)?
In addition to drysol, here are some other more natural methods to consider:

1. Drink more water - the more cold water you drink, the more you will be helping your body to regulate it's own body temperature, thus the less you will sweat.

2. Stop drinking coffee - coffee is loaded with caffeine and sugar, both of which are stimulants which increase anxiety and thus sweating.

3. Use sweat pads - Sweat pads are a great alternative to wearing extra layers or can find them online...they are adhesive absorbent pads that you can stick to the insides of your shirts so that they absorb your sweat.

4. Quit Smoking - Smoking causes vasodilation(enlarges blood vessels) which results in more blood flow, which means an increase in body temperature which means increased sweating!

5. Charcoal - Believe it or not, eating charcoal on an empty stomach can help reduce sweating in as little as two days, for best results take it on an empty stomach.

6. Sage Tea - This one is killer! Take a tablespoon of sage leaves and steep it in a cup of boiled water for less than 10 minuets. Strain the leaves , add a slice of lime to the tea and drink it. Don't brew longer than 10 min though, it can be toxic if over brewed!

7. Wheat Grass - This is another great solution, try looking for it online. Drink a glass of this a day.

8. Spicy Foods - Spicy foods stimulate your sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for triggering your sweat glands to sweat. Cut back on the spicy foods and you cut back on the sweating.

9. Potatoes - Potatoes are a natural way for you to stop excessive sweating. Simply cut one open and rub the inside of it on your underarms, don't ask how, but it works!

10. Alcohol - Alcohol tends to dilate your blood vessels and in so doing, increases your overall body temperature. An increase in body temperature means an increase in sweating, so watch your alcohol intake.

Try doing a few of these techniques all at once for the best results, there are more tactics to try out at the link below..

good luck,

-RenardAre there any medications (creams, pills, etc.) to stop a person from sweating (or limit the amount)?
Just a quick question, why do you need to stop sweating? If it is too severe, what is the underlying cause? Try to figure out what makes you sweat, physical exertion, stress, certain foods, too hot environment? Your answer might be in those causes, not in a pill.

I think there is some kind of injection you can get from a dermatologist. Botox in the underarms or something. Celebrities do it before they hit the red carpet. Saw it on Entertainment Tonight.
An adverse side effect of the anti IBS prescription bentyl is lack of sweat.
Yes, there are. The problem is that there only about 50 million to 100 billion of them.
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