Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is there an oral medication that one can take for the treament of scabies/body lice or are creams just used?

There is no oral treatment. both of these conditions are parasitic infestation of skin. Oral drugs that would be able to cause your skin to generate that level of toxicity would be deadly. Creams and shampoos are the only treatment. do wash everything in hot water ASAP as you can re-infest yourself if you do not. scabies are actually a rather dangerous parasite and you would want to see a doctor right away to get a perscription stregnth treatment for it.Is there an oral medication that one can take for the treament of scabies/body lice or are creams just used?
Doctor.Is there an oral medication that one can take for the treament of scabies/body lice or are creams just used?
No oral medication. Try Quell shampoo and use it twice, now and again in 2 weeks. Wash linens and towels in hot water, now. Very contagious.

Registered nurse
to my knowledge there are just the creams like elimite and permethrin that you put on head to foot and sleep in then wash off. boil all your stuff or throw it out. go to the doctor. best of luck

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